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If you have any comments or suggestions as to how we can improve our service, we would be delighted to hear them.

Please speak to Gillian Hallett before you leave. Alternatively you can write to:

Gillian Hallett
EA Clinic
99 Harley Street
London W1G 6AQ

If you wish to make a complaint, you may also speak to the registered manager, Edwin Anthony or you can put your concerns in writing.

Edwin Anthony
Registered manager
EA Clinic
99 Harley Street,
London W1G 6AQ

We will acknowledge all written complaints within two days and respond within 20 working days unless we can both acknowledge and respond within 5 working days.

EA Clinic limited is registered with the care quality commission whom has no statutory powers to investigate any complaints that patients or other members of the public make about independent healthcare services, nor do they have a regulatory role to manage, arbitrate or resolve their complaints, concerns or allegations. However, they will take account of all the information that they receive from the public about registered independent providers, or about unregistered providers that they consider should be registered. If they suspect a provider has committed an offence under the Health and social care act 2008 or a breach of the regulations, they are required to take action and bring about improvement.

Care Quality Commission, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle Upon tyne, NE14PA. Tel: 03000616161

Our staff will provide assistance for any patient or relative wishing to make a complaint.