IV Vitamin Infusion Shots
Through our digestive tract only about 50% of the nutrients are actually absorbed by the body, however, withIV vitamin infusions, the absorption can be up to 90%. These vitamin cocktails can then directly be fed to your bloodstream, via an intra-venous drip. This tends to increase the absorption rate of the nutrients to about 90%. A number of celebrities have already embraced IV infusion treatments for both cosmetic and health purposes.
- Quick
- Return to work immediately
- Choose the drip of your choice
- Best results as part of a course
EA Clinic aims to provide optimum satisfaction to all their patients. Following a personal approach,
EA clinic strives to provide the most exemplary services to all the patients. For an IV infusion, the vitamins are added to a solution that contains the same concentration of salt as your blood, in order to aid the absorption. These infusions are relatively painless and take about 20 – 30 minutes. You can choose from a range of options, each with a different combination of vitamins, depending on your reason behind getting the infusion.
You can drink decaffeinated drinks. We will usually offer some water or herbal teas.
Less than 45 minutes
We offer finance
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